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Experience a genuine unforgettable visit to your school from Chris, an elite professional basketball player, who will share his inspiring story with your students. From overcoming challenges to celebrating successes, health and nutrition, Chris will take them on a journey they won't forget. After the talk, get ready for an interactive Q&A session where students can ask Chris anything they have been inspired to ask. Then, get moving with a fun fitness circuit led by Chris himself, giving everyone a chance to stay active and have a great overall experience.


Our visits are carefully tailored to suit the needs and interests of both primary and secondary schools.


For primary schools, our focus is on delivering engaging and age-appropriate content that captivates young minds.  During the fitness circuits, we emphasise the importance of physical activity. We ensure that activities are suitable for primary-aged children.


For secondary schools, our approach evolves to meet the interests and developmental stages of older students. During the fitness circuits, we incorporate more challenging exercises and emphasise personal responsibility and fitness goals tailored to the needs of secondary-aged students.


In both cases, our goal remains the same: to inspire and empower students to reach their full potential, providing them with valuable knowledge and skills that they can apply in their lives beyond the classroom.

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